Saturday, 1 January 2011

More bargains!

So, I have been shopping again!
Here are my latest finds...

I bought these perspex drawers from Next Home. They were £10 down from £22, so I got two sets. I really love them because they keep everything tidy, but at the same time you can still see everything, because I HATE having pretty things stashed away- hence why my room is how it is!

Secondly I found these Taupe wedges. I had liked them in the summer when they were £20, but not enough to buy them, then I found them in the New Look sale for £10, but my step dad was being impatient so  didn't buy them, but anyway, I went in yesterday and they had been reduced again to £5! SCORE!

 These leopard print bad boys caught my eye MONTHS ago but for £75 I never had it in me (or my bank account) to get them, however I found them in the sale for £35 and had a Topshop voucher for Christmas so only ended up paying £10 for them. Happy is not even the word. I love them so much I might name them...

 I got this little set from Boots as they had a 1/2 sale on all 3 for 2 Christmas gifts. Aside from the packaging (which I LOVEEE) I really like the colours in it, as I'm not one for mad colours on my eyes because it just doesn't suit me at all. In this little set you got 3 powder shadows, 2 cream shadows, a mascara & applicators, all for £5!

And finally, here is a little photograph of all the shoes I have accumulated over the past week or so. <3

Happy New year everyone! xxxxx


  1. I saw those glass storage draws. I wish I'd bought them now, they look so pretty with all your stuff in. Also in love with your boots and your shiny brogues! xx

  2. I love the leopard print boots they are pretty rocking, and the next draw tidy are mega lush (I hate it too I like to make sure I don't buy heaps of the same thing. I am loving all your makeup as well, that is some collection you have ...makes me wanna add to mine :)
    Love these, BTW 8 pairs of shoes in a week :P I though I was a shoe addict xxxx

  3. wow, i wanna have that make up drawer too, i love the first shoes...

  4. Found these shoes-
    and thought of you Stacie! Only size 4 left and they are £88 but thought I'd share the beauts with you!


  5. I desperately need to sort out my make up storage & those drawers would be perfect so thanks for the so off to next tomorrow to see if I can nab some! :)

  6. You have the best shoe collection ever! I love the boots!

  7. Wow, I love the look of those storage boxes - it's nice that you can still see all your things (: I'm also in love with those leopard print boots.

  8. I fucking love your leo boots! <3

  9. Love the leopard print boots! I saw them when they were 75, but not when they were reduced! Im gutted! Great blog though - I'm now following :)

    Hope you can do the same!

  10. Wow, you have really a lot of nice shoes ^^ Nice blog!


  11. Gosh, I am so jealous of all those shoes! Especially the leopard boots - I wanted them too, might have to try and bag myself a pair in the sale! I'm a massive leopard print fan too so I am loving your blog. I just came across it and am now following :)
    Would love if you'd take a peek at mine too

  12. Lovely shoes! I want them!
    I love your blog. I'm now following. Maybe you could follow me too? :)

  13. I do love your shoe collection, Especially the leopard print boots! I have actually fallen in love with leopard print.

    Now following you hope you can do the same.

  14. Your Shousss are wow *_*
    and super Blog

    hugh serah

  15. I seen them next drawers and thought they would be so useful! i think you have just made me want to buy them!! your blog is fantastic i love everything on it!
    And i just scrolled down, the colour of your hair is to die for! i really love it!
    follow eachother:)?


  16. I love all of your new buys! I saw the Topshop boots in the sale, and had to literally force myself not to buy them - I really need to learn how to save money! :) x

    I've given you an award on my blog, by the way

  17. oh oh oh!!! mmm leopard boots!!!! <3

  18. I'm SO jealous of your Topshop bargain - those shoes are lovely! It's so great whenever you discover an irreplaceable item in the sale :) words can't even describe the joy ha x

  19. I see that you like your leopard! :) Who doesn't, right?

    I want those shoes! :(

    Those drawers are so neat! I like how you can see what you're looking for and that they're so organized! <3
