Monday, 14 March 2011

Hello everyone! Long time no post, I know. I’ve been horribly busy with starting work, commuting, 5am starts and catching up on sleep, ad also trying to have a tiny bit of a life! I hope all of you lovely readers are well and haven’t forgotten/given up on me.
My blogging won’t be as frequent from now on because of me having such little free time but I am going to carry on as much as possible, and hopefully it will get better as I begin to adjust to such long days.
Anyway, since ive been gone, and actually, a little bit before I went, I have been up to a few little things that I have documented via photograph, ready to share with you, so here it goes!
My Sisters 12th party.
A few weeks ago my sister turned 12 and had a little party at Pizza Hut...

...she also got tickets to see Justin Bieber live at the Birmingham NIA so off we went on the 5th, the opening night of his UK tour. Say what you will about the guy but he was actually so good live! Willow Smith & her brother Jaden also performed that night, along with some lesser known artists, all which were incredible. It was a really good night although my hearing it still in recovery as you can imagine the noise room all the 10year old girls screaming ‘I LOVE YOU JUSTIN’ all night.

What I wore

This isn't the greatest of outfit pictures but I was in a super rush as my Mother & Step father insisted we leave super early to avoid being late (we were there 1 hour and a half early.....)
I went for a kind of colour block outfit which included my lovely red Topshop Blazer, Topshop cape blouse, some River Island pull ons and my purple Office courts.
Miss Guided
All during the last week or so I entered a MissGuided facebook competition, which was being held to celebrate their 2nd birthday and guess what, I won!

I won 2x 2 lip splashes, 2x 3 nails plashes and 2 x £30 voucher for their site!
I have always been a big fan of their nail splashes so I was really excited to be receiving more as well as being able to try out their lip glosses.
 Unfortunately, none of the clothes on their site fit me and so I am offering the 2 £30 voucher codes to anyone that would like them for £40 for them both, so please contact me if you are interested! (email/twitter/formspring)
In other make-up/freebie related news, thanks to one of you lovely readers I made my first Eyeko ambassador sale, and to say thank you Eyeko sent me a little goodie pack with cards stickers and one of their lip glosses in ‘Mayfair’, which I LOVED!

And finally!
I haven’t really bought anything this week (other than a few steak-bakes & magazines) as I’ve been working and trying to not spend money, however I did buy myself a little treat mid week; a Topshop Lipstick.
As you know, I wanted this anyway after seeing it on their site, so I popped in before work to test it out and I loved it.
I tried to take a picture of me wearing it but it hasn’t come out so great so apologies for that!

The lipstick is in shade ‘Coy’ and costs £7 from and selected stores.
So, there you go, that has been my week. Hope everyone has enjoyed theirs!
Ps. Thank you to everyone who has sent me formsprings over the past few weeks, I really appreciate every one of them and I aim to respond to them all, but due to the high amount that I receive, combined with the time it takes me to answer and the little amount of time I now have free I am unable to answer them all as quickly as I like so hold on in there and I will try my hardest to get back to you.


  1. I adore your red blazer! Lovely post xx

  2. i love your hair so much. glad you had fun at bieber's concert! that lipstick looks lush on you, i might have to invest in one. xxx

  3. Really love the colour combo with the red jacket and pastel shirt!!
    lovely post xxx

  4. your pink/purple shoes are gorgeous !!!

  5. the heels are great cherie.
    lovely greats.

  6. Nice blog girl :)

